Saturday 4 October 2014

Was Akon Really Trying To Avoid Catching Ebola In Africa?

Akon performed for 60,000 people in Africa recently in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but used a giant plastic airtight bubble to crowd surf the crowd.

Many people are accusing Akon of being rude and insensitive by using the bubble to protect him but in reality was probably only using the bubble to make the crowd surfing easier. This isn’t the first time he has used the bubble while crowd surfing either as he has used it while preforming in Australia and Dubai in 2010.

One person tweeted:
Several other reports by other media outlets have failed to mention that Akon has used the bubble in the past and also failed to say that he had only got in the bubble just before he went crowd surfing in it.
We think these certain media outlets might need to do a bit more research on the matter.

For those of you who don’t know what Ebola is “A deadly virus for which there is currently no proven cure. It is transmitted to humans from wild animals and is then spread through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of those who are already infected.
The major 2014 Ebola outbreak is centered in three West African countries: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. More than 7,100 cases have been reported in those countries and 3,330 of those were deadly.
A second, smaller outbreak has sickened 70 in Democratic Republic of Congo. Forty-two people have died in the Central African country.


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